API Validation

The KubeVirt VirtualMachineInstance API is implemented using a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD). Because of this, KubeVirt is able to leverage a couple of features Kubernetes provides in order to perform validation checks on our API as objects created and updated on the cluster.

How API Validation Works

CRD OpenAPIv3 Schema

The KubeVirt API is registered with Kubernetes at install time through a series of CRD definitions. KubeVirt includes an OpenAPIv3 schema in these definitions which indicates to the Kubernetes Apiserver some very basic information about our API, such as what fields are required and what type of data is expected for each value.

This OpenAPIv3 schema validation is installed automatically and requires no thought on the users part to enable.

Admission Control Webhooks

The OpenAPIv3 schema validation is limited. It only validates the general structure of a KubeVirt object looks correct. It does not however verify that the contents of that object make sense.

With OpenAPIv3 validation alone, users can easily make simple mistakes (like not referencing a volume's name correctly with a disk) and the cluster will still accept the object. However, the VirtualMachineInstance will of course not start if these errors in the API exist. Ideally we'd like to catch configuration issues as early as possible and not allow an object to even be posted to the cluster if we can detect there's a problem with the object's Spec.

In order to perform this advanced validation, KubeVirt implements its own admission controller which is registered with kubernetes as an admission controller webhook. This webhook is registered with Kubernetes at install time. As KubeVirt objects are posted to the cluster, the Kubernetes API server forwards Creation requests to our webhook for validation before persisting the object into storage.

Note however that the KubeVirt admission controller requires features to be enabled on the cluster in order to be enabled.

Enabling KubeVirt Admission Controller on Kubernetes

When provisioning a new Kubernetes cluster, ensure that both the MutatingAdmissionWebhook and ValidatingAdmissionWebhook values are present in the Apiserver's --admission-control cli argument.

Below is an example of the --admission-control values we use during development


Enabling KubeVirt Admission Controller on OKD

OKD also requires the admission control webhooks to be enabled at install time. The process is slightly different though. With OKD, we enable webhooks using an admission plugin.

These admission control plugins can be configured in openshift-ansible by setting the following value in ansible inventory file.

openshift_master_admission_plugin_config={"ValidatingAdmissionWebhook":{"configuration":{"kind": "DefaultAdmissionConfig","apiVersion": "v1","disable": false}},"MutatingAdmissionWebhook":{"configuration":{"kind": "DefaultAdmissionConfig","apiVersion": "v1","disable": false}}}

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